Thursday, February 3, 2011

PoP -Short Term Learning

I am looking forward to hearing which short term classes were your favorite.  Please tell me which teaching strategies were most helpful to your learning during these classes!


  1. It's not exactly considered a class, but I enjoyed my internship the most out of all my short term activities. I interned at WRFG, a radio station in Little 5 points. Everything we were taught / did was very hands-on
    which helped us to retain the information about the different aspects of radio better.

  2. West African drumming was my favorite class, we learned the rhythms by watching videos of other people playing, playing them ourselves and also hearing them. The class was a lot of fun and watching other people play was helpful to me to learn the rhythms.

  3. I really enjoyed Mexican Immigration. It was a great experience to learn about a problem we as Americans phase on a daily basis. I also enjoyed Weight Training. We worked hard in that class but also at the same time had a great time communicating. In Mexican Immigration, we watched alot of videos and movies from people who experienced the hardships of traveling across the United states first hand, which was a great learning experience for me.

  4. My favorite short term class was Spanish for native speakers. I learned some new things which I did not know before, mostly about Spain, Cuba and Puerto Rico. We watched a funny comedian named Angela Johnson who impersonated all races and joked about stereotypes. Class was fun especially eating hispanic food on the last day.

  5. My favorite class besides the musical was ethics. I liked the relaxed feeling the class and the laid back way my teachers approached the class. We did a lot of visual learning, which I find really helpful and we got food too. That was cool.
