Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Law of Cosines

Here is a site that explains the law of cosines really clearly

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Adan D- More on the Law of Sines and Oblique Triangles

Here is a site that explains the Law of Sines and gives an example.

The Ambiguous Case (SSA)

This case is for two sides and a nonincluded angle (SSA). Since there are several possibilities this case is called the Ambiguous case. I found a website that makes it a bit clearer than the book does, at least for me!


Another way to look at laws of sines and cosines

I saw this site and it was helpful to see another way that laws of sines and cosines were explained. Take a look at this!


Need Extra Help with the Law of Sines???

Khan Academy is a great website because you can watch lectures and you can rewind and replay parts if you don't quite understand them.

go to http://www.khanacademy.org/ and scroll down to find more help and more lessons.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

If you think Trig is unimportant think again!!!

I came across this website yesterday and thought some of you might like to read it.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Good website for learning and honing skills on verifying identities


This website will help you through the steps to verify identities. It is a good website to review for the test which is coming up on Tuesday.